The Right to Energy: Achieving SDG 7 for a Sustainable Future

The Right to Energy: Achieving SDG 7 for a Sustainable Future

ME Green Team |

In today's world, energy is not just a commodity but a fundamental right that underpins the ability to live, work, and thrive. The United Nations' Sustainable Development Goal 7 (SDG 7) aims to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all by 2030. Achieving this goal is crucial for a sustainable future, as it directly impacts economic development, environmental sustainability, and social equity. This article delves into the importance of the right to energy, the challenges in achieving SDG 7, and the role of renewable energy in creating a sustainable future.

Understanding SDG 7 and Its Importance

SDG 7 is one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals established by the United Nations in 2015. It is centered around three main targets:

  1. Universal Access to Energy: Ensure universal access to affordable, reliable, and modern energy services.
  2. Increase Renewable Energy: Substantially increase the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix.
  3. Improve Energy Efficiency: Double the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency.

Why SDG 7 Matters

  • Economic Growth: Access to energy is essential for economic activities, from powering industries to enabling small businesses and improving agricultural productivity.
  • Social Development: Energy access improves quality of life, providing lighting for education, powering healthcare facilities, and enabling communication technologies.
  • Environmental Protection: Transitioning to renewable energy sources reduces greenhouse gas emissions, mitigating climate change and preserving ecosystems.

The Right to Energy

The right to energy is increasingly recognized as a fundamental human right. It encompasses access to energy that is not only affordable and reliable but also sustainable and modern. This right is essential for achieving other human rights, such as the right to health, education, and an adequate standard of living.

Key Aspects of the Right to Energy

  1. Affordability: Energy should be economically accessible to all individuals and communities. High energy costs can lead to energy poverty, where people are unable to meet their basic energy needs.
  2. Reliability: Energy services should be reliable, with minimal disruptions. Reliable energy is critical for healthcare, education, and economic activities.
  3. Sustainability: Energy production and consumption should be environmentally sustainable, minimizing negative impacts on the climate and ecosystems.
  4. Modern Energy Services: Access to modern energy services includes not only electricity but also clean cooking solutions, which are essential for health and well-being.

Challenges in Achieving SDG 7

Despite significant progress, numerous challenges remain in achieving SDG 7:

1. Energy Poverty

  • Over 759 million people worldwide still lack access to electricity, primarily in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia.
  • Approximately 2.6 billion people rely on traditional biomass for cooking, leading to health issues and environmental degradation.

2. Infrastructure Deficits

  • Many developing countries lack the necessary infrastructure to deliver reliable and modern energy services.
  • Investments in energy infrastructure are often insufficient, particularly in rural and remote areas.

3. Financial Barriers

  • The high upfront costs of renewable energy technologies can be prohibitive for low-income households and developing countries.
  • There is a need for innovative financing mechanisms to make renewable energy more accessible and affordable.

4. Policy and Regulatory Challenges

  • Inconsistent policies and regulatory frameworks can hinder the deployment of renewable energy projects.
  • Supportive policies and incentives are crucial for promoting investment in renewable energy and energy efficiency.

The Role of Renewable Energy in Achieving SDG 7

Renewable energy is at the heart of achieving SDG 7. It offers a sustainable solution to meet the growing energy demands while addressing climate change and environmental degradation. Here are some key points on how renewable energy contributes to SDG 7:

1. Increasing Energy Access

  • Off-grid and decentralized renewable energy solutions, such as solar home systems and mini-grids, can provide electricity to remote and underserved areas.
  • These solutions are often more cost-effective and quicker to deploy than traditional grid expansion.

2. Promoting Affordability

  • The cost of renewable energy technologies, particularly solar and wind, has significantly decreased in recent years.
  • Renewable energy can reduce energy costs in the long term, making energy more affordable for households and businesses.

3. Enhancing Reliability

  • Renewable energy systems, when integrated with energy storage solutions, can provide reliable and continuous power.
  • They can also enhance grid stability and resilience, particularly in areas prone to natural disasters.

4. Ensuring Sustainability

  • Renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, hydro, and biomass, produce little to no greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Transitioning to renewables reduces dependence on fossil fuels, mitigating climate change and protecting natural resources.

Strategies for Achieving SDG 7

To achieve SDG 7 and ensure the right to energy for all, a multi-faceted approach is required. Here are some strategies that can help:

1. Policy and Regulatory Support

  • Governments should establish clear and supportive policies and regulatory frameworks for renewable energy and energy efficiency.
  • Incentives, subsidies, and tax breaks can encourage investment in renewable energy technologies.

2. Investment in Infrastructure

  • Increased investment in energy infrastructure, particularly in rural and underserved areas, is crucial.
  • Public-private partnerships can mobilize resources and expertise for large-scale renewable energy projects.

3. Innovative Financing Mechanisms

  • Innovative financing models, such as pay-as-you-go (PAYG) systems and microfinancing, can make renewable energy more accessible to low-income households.
  • International financial institutions and development banks can play a key role in providing funding and technical assistance.

4. Capacity Building and Education

  • Capacity building programs can enhance the skills and knowledge of local communities, enabling them to participate in and benefit from renewable energy projects.
  • Education and awareness campaigns can promote the benefits of renewable energy and energy efficiency.

5. Technological Innovation

  • Continued research and development are essential for improving the efficiency and affordability of renewable energy technologies.
  • Innovations in energy storage, smart grids, and clean cooking solutions can further enhance energy access and sustainability.


Achieving SDG 7 is critical for a sustainable future, as it underpins economic development, social equity, and environmental protection. The right to energy ensures that everyone can access affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy services. Renewable energy plays a pivotal role in achieving this goal, offering solutions that are not only environmentally friendly but also economically viable.

ME Green is dedicated to advancing renewable energy solutions and supporting the global effort to achieve SDG 7. By investing in renewable energy projects and promoting energy efficiency, we can help create a sustainable future for all. Contact us today to learn how you can contribute to this vital cause and benefit from our expertise in renewable energy.