Commitment Beyond Business

Learn about our CSR initiatives, where we extend our commitment to sustainability and community empowerment beyond our core business.

  • Good Health and Well-Being

    We monitor the safety, the good health and the wellbeing of our employees.

  • Gender Equality

    We ensure gender equal rights & opportunities.

  • Affordable and Clean Energy

    We offer sustainable and affordable power
    solutions and services.

  • Decent Work and Economic Growth

    We create decent employment work and train our employees to see them grow as our Company grows.

  • Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

    We promote the use of sustainable and recyclable products in our innovative industry.

  • Sustainable Cities and Communities

    We seek Net zero projects as part of our cities and communities power delivery solutions.

  • Responsible Consumption and Production

    We promote responsible consumption habits in our offices but also in the households of our clients.

  • Climate Action

    We contribute to the climate change challenge.

  • Life on Land

    We raise awareness about the quality of the air leading to non-fossil fuel consumables.

  • Partnerships for the Goals

    We team with other Companies and NGOs to reach our sustainable goals.

Our CSR Approach

ME Green is committed to create value for sustainability, reframing business approach towards sustainable development, through Energy Efficiency.

Our business covers 10 aspects of the 17 SDG goals, implemented by the UN in 2015, designed to serve as a shared blue print, for peace development and prosperity, for the people on the planet.

By making progress in these objectives, through our business, our utmost goal is to enhance our CO2 footprint by empowering communities with clean power and by facilitating their access to a robust economic growth, in a clean environment.

We strongly believe that an institution as ours, based on ethics and integrity in our operations, has the social responsibility to contribute to the wellness of our societies by being involved in social acts like raising awareness, implementing good habits and repurposing part of our times to sustainable development priorities. For this reason, we conjugated our efforts with SWIM Initiative, an environmental, non profit Association which addresses in sports and clean up events the shortfall of our civic responsibilities.

ME Green’s Smart Energy, Green Living leitmotif is considered a core strength to our institution.